
© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

General History of the Club

Membership Handbook

The Sportsmen's Club was formed in 1927 and held their first meeting in a second floor hall on East Street in Wrentham. Sometime later a building on Park Street,
Wrentham was bought and meetings were held there until 1947 when the present clubhouse was purchased. The building was an old mill and much had to be done.

First priority was a kitchen and the pine wall and floor, than came a shooting gallery in the cellar. The club was not open all the time, as it is now, and was used primarily for fishing, casting events and parties.

The first trap machine was installed in 1968 and, although it was a dangerous thing to be around, it was used until 1985 when the present trap house and field was built. Lights were installed and a better trap machine was acquired shortly after
that. A greater interest in trap led to the purchase of a new machine in 1990.

The rifle range started around 1978-1979 and has been improved from time to time. The addition of the range cover, warming house and a storage building were all added in the late 1980's.

Stocking of fish and game has been a practice of the club since 1948. The pond was partially dredged in 1957 when the dam was lost to a storm. Then in 1987 a major restoration was started that would go on until completion in 1991. The club was expanded from a screen porch that was built in the 1960's to a very comfortable
lounge in 1989.
1927 to 1929 George Francis                                                                    1930 J. E. Oslin  
1931 to 1936 Lester Murphy                                                                      1937 Eugene Sleeper  
1938 to 1939 George Lockwood                                                                1940 Edward Kingree 
1941 to 1944 John Wodhams                                                                   1945 to 1946 Harold C. Smith 
1947 Harry Paylon                                                                                    1948 C. Irving Metcalf, Jr. 
1949 Arthur Briggs                                                                                     1950 to 1951 Lester King 
1952 Lawrence Perkins                                                                          1953 Edwin Palmer 
1954 to 1956 Lester King                                                                        1957 to 1960 Ted Haley 
1961 Minnard Hutchens                                                                           1962 to 1964 Albert Fuller 
1965 Fredrick T. Backer                                                                         1966 Earnist Hoffman
1967 to 1968 James Dunn                                                                        1969 to 1970 Dick Ball 
1971 to 1973 Bill Cummings                                                                   1974 to 1975 Frank McLean 
1976 Paul Bruneau                                                                                1977 to 1978 Allen Drurey 
1979 Allen Charles                                                                                   1980 Herb Walsh
1981 Howard Holland                                                                                1982 to 1983 Jeff Dodge 
1984 to 1985 John Rietz                                                                            1986 Charles Warning 
1987 Fred Wood1988 John Bell                                                               1989 to 1990 Jack Guenthner                                                1991 Ron Cazemiro                                                                                   1992 to 1994 Paul Topham
1995 to 1996 Pat Kelleher                                                                         1997 Tony Marino 
1998 Jack Guenthn                                                                                   1999 Steve Tessier                                                                  2001 Paul (Boa)O’Gara                                                                             2002 Jack Guenthner                                                              2003 Skip Budlong                                                                                    2004 to 2005 Jim Evirs Sr.
2006 George Tinker                                                                                   2007 to 2009 Paul (Boa)O'Gara
2010 to 2012 Jim Stella                                                                             2013 to 2015 Keith Sharon 
2016 Jim Evirs Sr                                                                                       2017 Paul (Boa) O'Gara
2018 Mike Owen                                                                                        2019 Jim Stella
2020 Steve Cooper                                                                                    2021 to 2022 Jim Stella                                                          2023                                                                                                                              

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

2006George Tinker

Membership Handbook

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook
Adopted February, 1987
Amended MARCH 14 2013
Updated November 16 2016
Name and Purpose

SECTION 1: This organization shall be known as the Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association, Incorporated. Its purpose shall be to
promote the interest of legitimate sports, the rod and gun; to cooperate with other organizations of a like nature and to assist in the enforcement of the laws for the protection and propagation of fish, game, song and insectivorous birds; and to stimulate
good fellowship among lovers of outdoor life in this vicinity.


SECTION 1: The regular meeting shall be held on the second Monday of each month.

SECTION 2: Special meetings may be called upon by petition of ten (10) members, or by any three (3) of the elective officers providing that the membership be given due notice by the Recording Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to the proposed meeting. Posting of notice on the Club Events bulletin board shall be due notice.

SECTION 3: All activities within the Club House will stop at 1:00 a.m. and the Club House shall be vacated except by vote of the Association at a regular or special meeting.

SECTION 4: The Association meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order.

Elective Officers and Their Duties
SECTION 1: The elective officers shall consist of a President, a First Vice- President, a Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer; or, Financial Secretary and Treasurer as one officer.
SECTION 2: The officers shall be elected annually. Should a vacancy occur during the year, it shall be filled by a vote of the membership at the next regular or special meeting. Notice of vote to fill vacancy should be posted on the Club Events bulletin board seven (7) days prior to said meeting.
SECTION 3: The President shall preside at all Association meetings; and, except when specified otherwise by the Bylaws, shall appoint all committees created by the Bylaws or by the vote of the Association. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall have general charge of the Association’s business meetings. The President will also act as member ex- officio of all committees and the Board of Advisors.
SECTION 4: The First Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President whenever the President is absent or so requests. The First Vice-President will be Chairman of the Board of Advisors. In The First Vice-President’s absence the Second Vice will chair the Advisory Board, and in the absence of the First and Second Vice, the President will chair the Advisory Board.
SECTION 5: The Second Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President whenever the President and First Vice-President are absent or so requests. The Second Vice-President shall be responsible for overseeing the operation of all committees of the Association.
SECTION 6: The Recording Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of The Association, serve all notices, except those issued by the Financial Secretary, and shall have custody of the books containing the Recording Secretary’s records.

SECTION 7: The Financial Secretary shall work in conjunction with the Recording Secretary and shall receive the dues of all members, and any other monies due the Association; issue such membership lists as are currently required; shall turn over all monies received by to the Treasurer; provided, however, that The Financial Secretary shall be empowered to retain and use for minor expenditures a suitable amount of money, the sum to be determined by them with the approval of the Advisory Board. The Financial Secretary shall be empowered to use all recognized methods necessary to the collection of any money due the
Association. The Financial Secretary shall be bonded in an amount determined by the Advisory Board to be suitable, and the cost of the Treasurer’s bond shall be borne by the Association. Whenever possible, The Financial Secretary will be at The Financial Secretary’s desk one-half hour before each regular meeting.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook

Elective Officers and Their Duties (Continued)
SECTION 8: The Treasurer shall have the custody of all funds of the Association except as provided under “Duties of the Financial Secretary” and shall issue a financial statement whenever so requested by the President. The Treasurer shall be bonded in an amount determined by the Advisory Board to be suitable, and the cost of the Treasurer’s bond shall be borne by the Association.

Advisory Board

SECTION 1: The Advisory Board shall consist of nine (9) members, with the First Vice-President as Chairman. The President of the Association shall be an ex-officio member of the Advisory Board.

SECTION 2: Members of the Advisory Board shall serve for two years and may be eligible for re-appointment or re-election. Two
(2)members will be appointed annually by the President. Two (2) members will be elected annually by the Association at the October elections.

SECTION 3: In case of a vacancy on the Advisory Board, for any cause, the President shall appoint another member to serve the unexpired time.

SECTION 4: The Advisory Board shall meet monthly or when called together by the President, or First Vice-President.

SECTION 5: It shall be the duty of the Advisory Board to act in an advisory capacity to the elected officers. They shall make
recommendations to the Association regarding the improvement or enlargement of all association property, and shall act in an advisory capacity in all extraordinary motions concerning expenditures.

SECTION 6: The Advisory Board shall have the responsibility of renting the Caretaker’s House, and has the overall responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of its property.

SECTION 7: The Advisory Board is prohibited from leasing the Club House or Property (excluding the Caretaker’s House) for any purpose.

SECTION 8: The Advisory Board has full power to spend up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in any one month.

SECTION 9: The Advisory Board is responsible for the discipline of members of this Association accused of any infraction of Association Rules. Punishment for the infraction will be determined by the Advisory Board after a hearing governed by the following procedures:

1.A written signed statement detailing the particulars of the offense shall be presented to the Advisory Board by the accuser.
2.The accused shall be notified at least fifteen days in advance, in writing, to answer the charges at a hearing before the Advisory Board.
3.The Advisory Board shall render a decision in the case within thirty (30) days of the hearing, the decision to be made by a majority vote of the Board.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook


SECTION 1. The following Committees shall be appointed by the President:
A)Election Committee
B)Fish and Game Committee
C)House Committee
D)Membership Committee
E)Ways and Means Committee
F)Bylaws Committee
G)Trap and Field Committee
H)Archery Committee
I)Audit Committee
J)Lounge Committee
K)Kitchen Committee
L)Rules Committee
The Committees shall consist of at least three (3) and not more than five (5) members to be determined by the President.
SECTION 2: The Election Committee shall conduct the annual election of officers. Not more than one of its members may be
chosen from the present Board of Officers and no officer who seeks re-election may be a member. The Committee, consisting of up to six (6) members shall be appointed at the June meeting and shall meet as a Nomination Committee, selecting candidates for each office. The Election Committee shall open nominations for officers at the August meeting. All nominations shall close at the end of the September meeting. The annual election shall be conducted prior to the beginning of the October meeting. Voting will commence at 6:00PM and all ballots must be returned by 8:00 PM (no exceptions). There will be no absentee ballots available.
The Election Committee shall install the new slate of officers as the last order of business at the December meeting.
SECTION 3: The Fish and Game Committee shall be responsible for the stocking of fish and game and the reporting of such
stockings to the membership. The Committee shall have the responsibility for maintenance of the pond and contiguous areas and structures. The Committee shall work to better the fishing and hunting on Association property, and in surrounding areas.
SECTION 4: The House Committee shall have charge of the maintenance of the Association property. They will keep an inventory of the property and possessions, working with the Advisory Board. Inventory shall be submitted on all Association equipment and property at the December meeting.
SECTION 5: The Membership Committee shall receive all applications for membership. The prospective member shall be
interviewed by the Membership Committee. If the candidate is approved by the Membership Committee, their name will be submitted for final acceptance by the Association membership at a regular or special meeting.
SECTION 6: The Ways and Means Committee shall, on a vote of the Advisory Board, recommend ways and means to raise funds for the specific purpose voted upon; they shall recommend to the Association projects to be worked on during the year for the purpose of raising general funds.
SECTION 7: The Bylaws Committee shall annually review the Association Bylaws and submit to the general membership,
recommendations for amending the Bylaws to meet changing conditions or circumstances. The Bylaws Committee shall also submit recommendations regarding the advisability, legality, and wording of amendments to the Bylaws voted on by the membership.
SECTION 8: The Trap and Field Committee shall be responsible for the firearms ranges on Association property and the operation of these ranges. The Committee will schedule and conduct intra-club and interclub shoots for the benefit of the general membership. The Committee shall also be responsible for the maintenance of the ranges and associated structures.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook
Committees (Continued)

SECTION 9: The Archery Committee shall be responsible for the archery ranges on Association property and the operation of
these ranges. The Committee will conduct intra-club and interclub shoots for the benefit of general membership. The Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of the ranges and associated structures.

SECTION 10: The Audit Committee will consist of three (3) members, duly appointed by the President. The Audit Committee shall audit all Association books annually, or as directed by the President. The Association books include, but are not limited to, the books of the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Kitchen/Lounge Committees.

SECTION 11: The Lounge Committee shall consist of 3 members: Association Financial Secretary, Association Treasurer and a member appointed by the president, with approval by the majority of members present at a regular meeting. The Lounge Committee shall be responsible for the operation of the lounge. They will keep an inventory of property and possessions.

SECTION 12: The Kitchen Committee will operate the kitchen during Association functions and at such other times when food is served.

SECTION 13: The Rules Committee will record all Club general rules. The Committee will maintain two (2) copies of the rules. One
(1)copy will be made available to Club Members, and the second copy will be kept on file for reference by the Club Officers and the Rules Committee.
SECTION 1: Ten (10) percent of the total membership shall constitute a quorum at regular and special meetings.
SECTION 2: Committee meetings shall require a simple majority of members to constitute a quorum.
Membership and Dues
SECTION 1: Application for membership in the Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association must be submitted to the Membership Committee. The application must be accompanied by the Initiation Fee and one (1) year’s dues if submitted before the September
Advisory Board meeting. For applications submitted from September to December, the Initiation Fee shall be accompanied by one-half (1/2) year’s dues. If the applicant is not accepted into the Association, all monies shall be refunded to the applicant. There will be no Initiation Fee for junior members who have been in the Association for two (2) years preceding their eighteenth birthday.
SECTION 2: All Members will be accepted on a probationary basis for a period of six (6) months, during which time the probationary member shall complete sixteen (16) hours, twenty (20) (hour for members with night employment) assisting at club events or work parties. Should a probationary member sign up for an event and fail to work any or all of the hours signed up for, those hours not worked shall be added to the sixteen (16)or (20) required hours or the remaining balance thereof.

The work hours missed shall not be added to the minimum required, if:
1.The probationary member provides forty-eight (48) hours prior notice, and has not previously cancelled or failed to work an event signed up for.
2.The chairman of the work event missed, in his sole discretion, resolves the failure to work the event signed up for by any of the following:
A.Excusing the failure, but only where mitigating circumstances made the probationary member’s attendance unrealistic; or
B.Trading the event missed for working a specific, future event; or
C.Reporting the failure to the Board of Directors for resolution.

The Work party chairman shall make recommendations in such case.
© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook
Membership and Dues (Continued)

Infractions of Association rules or failure to participate in scheduled work parties during the probationary period as set forth above shall result in forfeiture of membership and all monies paid to the Association.

SECTION 3: Senior and Junior Membership dues shall be payable annually in advance of the January meeting. Juniors shall be 13- 18 years of age. They shall have no vote or key card to the club house. The amount of such dues may be set by vote at any regular or special meeting during the year, and such amount shall apply for the following year or years or until such time as it shall be
changed by vote. Any change of dues shall be set prior to the October meeting.

SECTION 4: Members whose dues are not paid on or before the date of the February meeting shall be dropped from the Roll. Any former member, in order to rejoin the Association, must submit his application to the Advisory Board. He may request a waiver of the initiation fee at that time.

SECTION 5: Any member in good standing having reached the age of sixty five (65) and having been a member for twenty (20)
consecutive years or reaching the age of sixty (60) and having been a member for thirty (30) consecutive years shall become a Life Member and shall be exempt from all dues and assessments. Any member attaining Life Membership shall be accorded all the
privileges of a regular member.

SECTION 6: Any member entering the Armed Forces or on active duty in the service of our Country may not be suspended for non
-payment of dues. His name shall be retained on the club roster and will be considered a member in good standing during the year of his return to active participation in the Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association.

Amendments to the Bylaws

All alterations and amendments to these Bylaws shall be proposed at a regular meeting of the Association and shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee for study and report at the following regular meeting. Such alterations and amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that written notice of the proposed alterations or amendments shall be posted thirty (30) days prior to the meeting that they will be voted on.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Pond Use and Fishing Rules

Membership Handbook

Pond Use:

1.Boats, rubber rafts, and canoes may be powered by electric motors only, no gas motors allowed. All boats, rafts, and canoes must be locked when not in use and have the members/owners name located on the boat, raft, or canoe.
2.PFD’s, personal flotation devices must be worn between September 15th – May 15th, this applies to kayaks, canoes and rubber rafts. All other boats must have PFD’s for each person on board.
3.The dumping or disposal of trash in or near the waters of the club will not be tolerated and anyone caught will be dealt with severely. Please pick up and properly dispose of any trash you see on club property.
4.Any and all fires put into use for any reason on club property must be contained, watched while in use, and properly extinguished prior to leaving the area.
5.Anyone camping around the pond or on the islands should clean up when done and leave the grounds in the same shape or better than it was when camping started.
6.Wood for fires should be available, but if not, wood may be cut provided no live trees or brushes are cut. Cutting of any live brush, trees or shrubbery on Slater’s Island is prohibited.
7.The grates at the dam will be taken care of by the Fish and Game Committee Members; all others are requested not to tamper with them unless an emergency situation arises.

Fishing Rules:

1.The trout creel limit will be three (3) per Senior Member, three (3) per Junior Member, and no more than four (4) per family during any one day of fishing.
2.Each and everyone fishing shall have their own stringer to attach his or her catch to. No two people may share the same stringer with the exception of very small children fishing with their parents.
3.All other fish caught in the pond will be under the rules and laws set by the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries. Sizes and creel limits will be enforced the same as if a State Game Warden was policing catches. “See current abstracts”
4.No person at any time shall fish with more than two (2) rods and reels, be it bait fishing, fly fishing, or spin fishing, or any combination of these. While ice fishing, no more than (5) five hooks.
5.Any pan fish caught and not wanted should be disposed of over the dam, or other appropriate place, not
littered around the pond.
6.Barbless hooks must be used while bait fishing with the exception of live bait fish. Positively no treble hooks may be used while bait fishing.
7.Any member may bring guests for a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per guest, per day. The member must fish with their guests, and all guests must comply with the Club pond use and fishing rules.

Note: See Fish & Game for any related questions.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s


Membership Handbook

1.All Members must sign Range Record Book prior to shooting. The Range Record Book will be kept in the Clubhouse inside the main entrance. Failure to sign in will result in disciplinary action and possible loss of privileges.

2.All Members MUST carry club membership identification while using the range. Anyone without club membership identification will be asked to leave,
All members are responsible for checking the identity of persons using the range.

3.Junior Members properly licensed by the Commonwealth may use the range without a senior member present.

4.Guests, along with their sponsoring members, must be registered in the Range Record Book in the Clubhouse prior to shooting:

a.Sponsors of guests are responsible for the guests actions and must be present with the guests(s) at all times.

b.Guests at organized shoots (including trap league shoots) must only sign in. and are the responsibility of the Range Officer or other Club official (acting as Range Officer) present at the shoot.

c.Junior members may not have guests at the range without a responsible senior member present.

5.No alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the range. No person shall use the range after consumption of alcoholic beverages. All persons under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave the range area.

6.No smoking will be allowed on the firing line at any time.

7.Machine guns are prohibited.

8.No shooting will be allowed during archery events, shooting area work parties and at other times designated by the Club. A sign indicating no range use will be posted at the Range Rover Book sign-in area.

9.No loaded weapons will be removed from the firing line. No firearms will be loaded until on the firing line.
a.Black powder weapons will not be considered loaded until primed or capped.

10, No one will be allowed to go forward of the firing line until all weapons on the firing line are unloaded, bolt opened and placed vertically on the rear bench. There will be no handling of firearms while persons are forward of the firing line.

11.All targets must be positioned in such a manner as to utilize the backstop safely. They must also be positioned so that target frames and supports are not damaged.
a.Targets such as glass bottles and other targets that would leave unsafe debris are forbidden.
b.Only targeting items such as, but limited to, paper targets, clay pigeon metallic silhouettes, bowling pins, wooden targets, and any other "safe from ricochet" targets may be used with the appropriate target stand.
c.All paper targets will be used on a target frame. No human silhouette targets are allowed.
d.Any member responsible for shooting in such a way as to cause a projectile to miss the backstop will be brought before the Advisory Board to explain why his shooting privileges should be revoked.
e.Placing targets on or walking on the backstop is prohibited.
12.Anyone using the range is responsible for cleaning the range before leaving.
a.Target frames must be returned to range shed after removing used targets.
b.All rubbish must be disposed of in the designated barrels

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook

RANGE RULES(continued)

13.During a shoot or meet, the Range Officer and/or his aides will have complete control of all shooting and safety for the range.
a.Anyone not following directions of the Range Officer will be asked to leave.

14.Prior to a shoot or meet, the rules, fees and type of shoot will be posted by the person running the event.
a.Anyone shooting a match or event must have registered for that match or event.

15.During an organized shooting event vehicles may be allowed in the range area at the discretion of the Range Officer.

16.ONLY black powder, rim-fire HANDGUNS (pistol caliber's only), and rim-fire rifles are allowed on the fifty-foot range.
a.No handguns firing rifle cartridges will be allowed on the fifty-foot range. (I.e. T/C Contenders with rifle caliber barrels)

Eye and ear protection is required on the ranges.

Range Safety is Everyone’s Job

Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association Lounge Rules
1.Language – Please refrain from using any foul or abusive language when in mixed company.

2.Lounge – Treat the lounge as you would if it were you own home.

3.Respect – Please treat each other respectfully.

4.Minors – NO PERSONS under the age of 21 shall be seated at the bar while the lounge is opened.

5.Check cashing – Limited to $50.oo per day.(Made out to W.S.A. NO 3RD Party checks)

6.Guests – Guests are your responsibility. Any guests must be signed in to consume an alcoholic beverage. If you leave your guest must leave with you. With the exception of any W.S.A. Sanctioned function.

7.Bartender – The Bartender has the right to stop serving alcohol to any person (s) believed to be under the influence and has the right to take your car keys.

8.Entertainment – We have two televisions and a stereo to be enjoyed by everyone.

9.Dues – Not to be left at the bar after the start of the February General meeting.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook

1.Way and Means Committee is allowed to run the Chicken Barbeque when seen fit.

2.All New Members to be introduced immediately after being voted into the club.

3.he By-law Committee is to post a copy of proposed changes in the by-laws and a book of the old by-laws.

4.No card playing anywhere in the building while outside entertainment or meetings are in progress.

5.Leave a page blank in the club records with the deceased members name on it as was a custom of the club.

6.All Contractor Contracts have to be in writing.

7.Copies of new bylaws to be posted at the club and available to members.

8.Any past members out of the club for 5 years or more will return to the club as a new member and pay full monies.

9.No one can ban junior members from attending club functions.

10.No parking in the driveway.

11.A fifty-dollar refundable deposit against damages is to be given to the advisory board for using the hall for members. The member that uses the hall is responsible for all his or her guests. This person will also be sober during the func- tion.

12.Any child under the age of 13 may fish our pond as long as he is she is supervised by a member of this club who is in good standing or is a junior member.

13.Any person fishing Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association property must possess a valid Massachusetts fishing license if so required by the state.

14.Do not leave fishing poles unattended while fishing.

15.All members are required to wear or have in their possession, a valid members pin or keycard or junior members card while fishing.

16.Range is closed during chicken BBQ, Steak Fry & Pig Roast.

17.Fishing guest under license age pay no fee.

18.Allow handicapped to park on motorcycle pad on pitch league nights.

19.No guests allowed on club property during Monday meeting night unless it is an invited speaker except on fisher- man’s night or Hunters night. All people on club property must attend the meeting or leave the property by 6 P.M.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook

20.All boats must be tagged with the owner’s name.

21.No camping at the river mouth or slaters island on 3D Archery Sunday.

22.No barbed hooks on bait.

23.Boat owners are responsible to lock their boats with chain or cable in a manor to prevent unauthorized use.

24.No parking on boat ramp.

25.All meetings start at 7:00 P.M.

26.All chairs and table to be kept inside the club, must ask advisory board to borrow tables & chairs & must be signed out & back in by a member of the advisory board.

27.All smoking is banned inside the club.

28.Permission must be granted t call a sander for the parking lot by the President, 1st Vice President, or care taker.

29.Deer must be tagged hanging at the club.

30.Hunting is permitted on club property.

31.No street legal vehicles allowed on the ice of Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association property.

32.Al past presidents & their guest are to be exempt from paying for the tickets to the anniversary parties.

33.No Pets allowed on Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association property during club functions including the Bonfire

34.No Pets allowed in the building while the kitchen is serving food.

35.No pets allowed on the bar, behind the bar, on the tables or in the kitchen.

36.You are responsible for your pet.

37.You must clean up after your pet.

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s

Membership Handbook

Members Name:Badge Number:

You have agreed to participate in a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of work parties and attend three (3) club meetings within the first six (6) months of membership of the Wrentham Sportsman’s Association. You are
responsible for volunteering for work parties, and ensuring that the member running the work party signs the worksheet. You must attend the range training session and get your worksheet signed. When the worksheet is completed it should be turned into the membership committee to release your key card privileges. You may accumulate your sixteen (16) hours on any of the club work parties.

DateWork Party Activity# of HoursMember Signature

Range Training: Date:Member Signature:
Meeting 1:Date:Member Signature:
Meeting 2:Date:Member Signature:
Meeting 3:Date:Member Signature:

Work parties are posted on the Work Party Board in the Clubhouse. Members may be called by a Work Party Committee, or you may contact Key Committee members to earn your hours.

Once completed sign and return this page to the Membership Committee to receive your scan card. By signing below you acknowledge that you have read this membership handbook, completed all work party hours and
fulfilled all required safety training. You agree to abide by our rules and bylaws as set forth in this handout. These rules and bylaws are subject to change and it is the members responsibility to attend our general meetings to stay informed of such change.

Member Signature:Date:

© 2016 Wrentham Sportsmen’s